Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Going Active

Recently I was visiting with author, Candace Salima, about writing articles for the YourLDSNeighborhood.com newsletter, and since she accepted my offer to help with that, this site will be going active a little sooner than I anticipated.

A new article will be posted here by the end of the week, so check back in a few days to catch my "meandering thoughts."


Cathy said...

Cindy, I loved your story about Emily. How darling. How sweet that just a reference to a Father in Heaven would give her the inspiration to look ahead. Thanks. I often forget how lucky I am to have been born into the church.

Cindy Beck, author said...

It is amazing how well Heavenly Father knows each of us personally, and is able to prepare the way for us in all that we do.

Just want you to know I really enjoyed your entry about software for writers at your blog, Story Painter.

Thanks for stopping by here and commenting. I'll let Emily know what you said.